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lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

How to construct a triangle given three sides...

Check this link.

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Construcción de Triángulos

To know if it is possible to construct a triangle, it is necessary to add any of the measures of two of its sides, and if the sum is greater than the third side, then it is possible.

Example 1:

Is it possible to construct a triangle which sides measure 8, 2, and 5 cm;
even though:

8 + 2 > 5 and 8 + 5 > 2 ; but, as: 2 + 5 <>
it is not possible to construct a triangle with these measurements.
Example 2:

Is it possible to construct a triangle which sides measure 6, 4, and 7cm;
6 + 4 > 7 and 6 + 7 > 4 and 7 + 4 > 6
It is possible!

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Math Practice for Quiz 4th Period

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

World Math Day.

Click here to start working.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Práctica Enlace 2009

Prueba en Línea Enlace.

Haz la prueba en línea y revisa tus resultados al finalizarla.


domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Answers for Math 3rd Period Review

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Study Guide 3rd Period

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Practice for 3rd Period Exam